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Archive for methods

A multilevel approach for TOP®

I never realised that the US is a very efficient market until I met a former Marketing Manager from Unilever who had been promoted to Asia. He explained that with one single marketing campaign he could reach a huge market of wealthy customers.

The flipside of empowerment

Most of the interventions I design and lead are about gathering people in a meeting room for a specific purpose. When participants enter the room they all have their ideas and expectations about the meeting to come. And I often encounter cynicism.

How to make this website participative?

A friend of mine once wanted to organise a Delphi method with several hundred experts. And he had a problem.

A Delphi method consists of several rounds in which experts fill in a questionnaire on a specific topic.

Coordinate less!

To produce a good and meaningful service you need knowledge. Lot’s of it. And you need the ability to integrate.

In my work I often meet people complaining they didn’t know that a certain type of information was available within the organisation,

Applying Kotter part 2: What I did right

This entry is a follow-up of this article in which I apply Kotter to my own change. An entry on what I did wrong can be found here.

Step 1: Acting with urgency

Unlike the majority of change processes,

Applying Kotter to my own situation

How well did I lead my change to Bangkok? It’s now roughly 2 years ago that I landed for the first time in Bangkok. I only heard of Thailand as a holiday destination for backpackers and sex-tourists and my expectations of Bangkok were neutral at best (Djakarta and New Dehli,

Brainstorming in Asia

My first brainstorm session in Asia was a big miss. The group was small and consisted of 7 Thais (and 1 German, the owner of the company). They wanted to develop creative strategies to develop new markets for their company.

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