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Archive for methods

Yes, and… let’s revolutionize the world

Not long ago I discovered and joined the Applied Improvisation Network, a worldwide network of more than 1800 dedicated professionals using improvisation within their work. Their work is typically in the field of education, training,

Harnessing your nervousness while working in groups

We were all standing with a partner and asked to keep our arms straight while our partner would try to pull it down. I made a fist and stretched my arm up in the air. After an intense effort my partner succeeded in pushing my arm downward.

The future in pictures

The whole village had gathered to hear her speak. Young and ambitious, she stood fearlessly on the small podium and was explaining what good she would be doing for the community. A vote for her would not be lost.

Creating business values bottom-up

Travelling through Russia can get tough. A few years ago I was standing in a long queue for a train ticket. At a certain moment the lady behind the counter stood up, arranged her hair and closed the desk. I got mad!


I love telling stories to my son. Last time we were in the car for quite a long stretch and my 1-year old became bored and restless. My eyes caught sight of a funny sign saying  ‘island of birds’.

The moral side of change

Where are we heading to and why? Most change programmes are about adapting to economic times (being able to sell more or to keep the level of sales). But the discussion on why we need a certain change on a deep intrinsic level is hardly addressed.

Tensegrity or prepare yourself to… improvise

I already posted on how improvisation can increase your flexibility. In this article I would like to expand on how your organisation can prepare itself to improvise through the concept of tensegrity.

The golden rule for innovation: Observe!

Observation is all about getting new insights. The better you observe, the quicker new insights will come.

I was reading the ‘Art of Innovation’, the bestseller by Tom Kelly of the hugely successful design firm IDEO.

Transformational meetings

When I entered the meeting room I was not happy. A big U-shape filled the room. The four round tables I had requested for were squeezed in a back corner, hardly noticeable. They were not even the tables I had requested for.

Applying Kotter part 3: what I did wrong

This entry is a follow-up on on why I apply Kotter to my own situation and what I did right.

Step 1: Acting with urgency

Gee was I busy in the beginning! I wanted to realise my change as quick as possible.

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