21st century meetings.
Surf complexity with inclusive and collaborative meetings.
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Archive for transformational

My disclaimer: make complexity engaging, not simple

Complexity is not about simplicity

When I say complexity can be surfed with 21st century meetings, it’s easy to think the subliminal message here is that 21st century meetings are simple.

Now simplicity and complexity seem to be opposed,

Let’s rewire our managers!

Be careful: manager at work

How do typical managers think?

For I while, I couldn’t get a satisfying answer to this question. Managers are people just like you and me, with the same diversity as we find in the real world.

How soviet are you as a leader?

I am on my way back from Kyrgyzstan where I facilitated a 3-day conference. Kyrgyzstan (for those of you who don’t know) is a former Soviet Republic in Central Asia. Hence, it’s one of those countries where the state ruled and intervened in all aspects of individual lives of its citizens.

‘Managers need to learn to say no’ – Interview with Cyriel Kortleven

Cyriel Kortleven is a much sough-after speaker at conferences and meetings. Through is enthusiastic and playful attitude to life, he creates an open and informal atmosphere. ‘Less is Beautiful’ is his fourth book in which he invites professionals to look for ways to gain more with less efforts.

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