21st century meetings.
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Archive for change

Coordinate less!

To produce a good and meaningful service you need knowledge. Lot’s of it. And you need the ability to integrate.

In my work I often meet people complaining they didn’t know that a certain type of information was available within the organisation,

Applying Kotter part 2: What I did right

This entry is a follow-up of this article in which I apply Kotter to my own change. An entry on what I did wrong can be found here.

Step 1: Acting with urgency

Unlike the majority of change processes,

Applying Kotter to my own situation

How well did I lead my change to Bangkok? It’s now roughly 2 years ago that I landed for the first time in Bangkok. I only heard of Thailand as a holiday destination for backpackers and sex-tourists and my expectations of Bangkok were neutral at best (Djakarta and New Dehli,

Innovation or change? What’s in a name…

What’s the difference between innovation and change? At receptions I easily swap between the two. And so do many other professionals in the field. Even literature does not make a clear divide between the two.

Why participation is crucial for your innovation or change

Your innovation or change going astray

You want your innovation or change to be successful. But once past the excitement of your original idea, you’re suddenly confronted with a few challenges. At first they seem small and your initial energy is enough to overcome them easily.

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