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Archive for improvisation

Why leaders should get themselves loved

‘Yes, but the whole meeting should be designed in such a way that we get them where we want’. That were tough words and it framed the meeting unequivocally. My client knew what she wanted. And she was not willing to let others interfere with her plans.

‘Get your ass in line’

The admonishment by US House Speaker John Boehner to his fellow Republican became legendary the moment it was uttered. ‘Get your ass in line’ is a rare beauty of the helplessness of the House Speaker during a closed meeting where he tried to rally support from his fellow party members for a debt bill last Wednesday (27 July 2011).

The 2 rules for an engaged meeting

There are two rules for an engaged meeting:

  1. How well you plan, the meeting will always go wrong,
  2. If the meeting does not go wrong, you had a sub-optimal meeting.


When I started working as an office clerk some 12 years ago nobody had told me these rules.

Yes, and… let’s revolutionize the world

Not long ago I discovered and joined the Applied Improvisation Network, a worldwide network of more than 1800 dedicated professionals using improvisation within their work. Their work is typically in the field of education, training,

Harnessing your nervousness while working in groups

We were all standing with a partner and asked to keep our arms straight while our partner would try to pull it down. I made a fist and stretched my arm up in the air. After an intense effort my partner succeeded in pushing my arm downward.


I love telling stories to my son. Last time we were in the car for quite a long stretch and my 1-year old became bored and restless. My eyes caught sight of a funny sign saying  ‘island of birds’.

Tensegrity or prepare yourself to… improvise

I already posted on how improvisation can increase your flexibility. In this article I would like to expand on how your organisation can prepare itself to improvise through the concept of tensegrity.

Start improvising and increase your flexibility

Improvisation is a form of creativity, albeit a very special one. Because improvisation is a creativity act with immediate result. There is no time separation between idea generation (composition) and the execution of the idea. When asked to explain the difference in no more than 15 seconds Jazz Saxophonist Steve Lacy gave the following answer:

‘In 15 seconds the difference between composition and improvisation is that in composition you have all the time you want to decide what to say in 15 seconds,

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