Radical Meeting Tips
Sometimes leading meetings differently is a matter of small but radical adjustments. You will find these small adjustments packaged in easy to grasp radical meeting tips.
Why do I call these meeting tips radical? Because if well applied, you will notice that participants will start engaging much more. This means their sense of ownership will grow and the result will be easier achieved.
As an example watch my Radical Meeting Tip #1 ‘Often work in small groups’. This tip is all about having a fruitful conversation while taking into account the diversity you have in the room.
Research shows that the best performing groups are between 4 and 6 participants. So if you want participants to engage: break up regularly in small groups. Probe a good question and let participants start the conversation. Not only will they be more engaged, but also it will lead to better results. Try this with every meeting!
With these radical meeting tips you will take your (meeting) leadership to the next level.
Get Quick Starters with Radical Meeting tips
Find all the Radical Meeting Tips here! They are a free resource, for you to use immediately. So as a meeting leader you can hit the ground running with your next meeting. Try just one, for example the one you find most inspiring. And you will experience how engagement, creativity, ownership and results get a boost.
Book a Deep-dive call on using 1 radical meeting tip with success
Radical Meeting Tips need to be applied well. If a video explanation of 1 minute is enough for you: great! Go and apply the Radical Meeting Tip! But sometimes it isn’t. So, if you want to understand the deeper reasoning behind a Radical Meeting Tip, deep-dive into it with a call. Book a call here.
Follow the Online Masterclass for improved team culture
Working on your meeting leadership means you are turning your meetings into the breeding ground of your team culture. Your meetings will turn into moments were the team binds, bonds and achieve results effectively. Achieving that means investing a bit more time, (an hour every month). The Online Masterclass should be what you’re looking for.