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Improvisation is a form of creativity, albeit a very special one. Because improvisation is a creativity act with immediate result. There is no time separation between idea generation (composition) and the execution of the idea. When asked to explain the difference in no more than 15 seconds Jazz Saxophonist Steve Lacy gave the following answer:

‘In 15 seconds the difference between composition and improvisation is that in composition you have all the time you want to decide what to say in 15 seconds, while in improvisation you have 15 seconds.’

How can improvisation help organisations?

Obviously Steve Lacy did not know the question so he had to improvise the answer. I plan and compose my interventions consciously, sometimes up to the minute. And I take the time to think everything through and rehearse the different parts in my mind. That’s all composition. But I also know that at any certain moment something unforeseen will happen. It’s one of the laws of good meetings and interventions: ‘However well you plan, it will always go wrong.’ It’s because if they’re involved and committed, human beings don’t follow your plan they follow their hearts. So I need to improvise.

Jazz musicians train their improvisations skills with ready-mades called ‘licks’, actors do the same. And I have trained my facilitation skills with different methods in order to be responsive to the group at any given time. It’s relying on minimal structures for maximum flexibility. And when used appropriately, it can lead to a creative burst. Everyone starts being responsive to one and other and the inclusiveness is total. Rules and agenda disappear and as Steve Lacy was able to give his answer in the given 15 seconds so is the group able to meet the objectives in the given time.

Creating maximum flexibility

For an organisation to be able to improvise, it therefore should define the minimal structures that make its core business, train their people in using these minimal structures and then start improvising with clients, suppliers and one and other. And as in a Jazz band: the internal structures disappear, everyone is listening to one and other and contributing to the result.

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