21st century meetings.
Surf complexity with inclusive and collaborative meetings.
Download 7 meeting tips

Inclusive Meeting Designs

Eliminate your current meetings and restart with a fresh Meeting Design from scratch. It’s a radical approach to your meetings. And make them inclusive and result-oriented.

It requires some reflection, starting with the why of your meetings. Whether you seek operational excellence, an ongoing flow of creative ideas, an engaged team or all of those at once, together we design a Meeting Structure that will fit your team’s needs.

My first objective would be to increase the overall effectiveness of your meetings. With my proven Meeting Canvas we design a new structure based on achieving results and inclusiveness.

An inclusive Meeting Design starts around unpeeling the different why’s for your teams. Together, we then design a meeting structure that provides answers for the different why’s. And most surprisingly: the answers will not only be found in meetings. For many why’s we do not need meetings because we have other tools at our disposal (e.g. in the form of apps).

Of course, we make a conscious decision to involve (or not) your team in the design process.

Get Quick starters to use in your Meeting Design

Radical Meeting Tips can be integrated in any new Meeting Design. They are a free resource, for you to use immediately. So as a meeting leader you can hit the ground running with your next meeting. Try just one, for example the one you find most inspiring. And you will experience how engagement, creativity, ownership and results get a boost.

Book a Deep-dive call on designing a new Meeting Structure

Radical Meeting Tips need to be applied well. If a video explanation of 1 minute is enough for you: great! Go and apply the Radical Meeting Tip! But sometimes it isn’t. So, if you want to understand the deeper reasoning behind a Radical Meeting Tip, deep-dive into it with a call. Book a call here.

Download 7 meeting tips

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