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Archive for change

Meetings: the golden window of opprtunity for change

When an organisation asks me to lead a change, the way meetings are run is rarely a topic of discussion. Points of attention are typically the organisational chart, job descriptions of the new positions (especially at higher level) and typology of the new culture.

‘Get your ass in line’

The admonishment by US House Speaker John Boehner to his fellow Republican became legendary the moment it was uttered. ‘Get your ass in line’ is a rare beauty of the helplessness of the House Speaker during a closed meeting where he tried to rally support from his fellow party members for a debt bill last Wednesday (27 July 2011).

Happiness, experience and making your own organisation

The Russian economist Kondratieff discovered that market economies develop in 50-70 year long waves. Markets follow an up-cycle of growth leading to a period of stability that is eventually followed by a recession and that in a timeframe of 50 to 70 years before the new wave starts.

Yes, and… let’s revolutionize the world

Not long ago I discovered and joined the Applied Improvisation Network, a worldwide network of more than 1800 dedicated professionals using improvisation within their work. Their work is typically in the field of education, training,

Letting the new emerge

On the card John wrote the word ‘listening’. He was proud of it. ‘I learned the importance of listening today. It’s makes for better teamwork. So that’s what I’ll do starting tomorrow back at the office’.

The moral side of change

Where are we heading to and why? Most change programmes are about adapting to economic times (being able to sell more or to keep the level of sales). But the discussion on why we need a certain change on a deep intrinsic level is hardly addressed.

Confronting Chaos

True science postulates laws that are devoid of any morality. The principles on mechanics that Newton described are true. No matter what you find of them. The same applies for other fields such as mathematics, thermodynamics, electronics, etc. Still the effect of these scientific principles might hold a moral value.

Square dance versus Tango

Square dancing is a dance in which 4 couples dance arranged in a square, with one couple on each side, moving counter-clockwise on the music. Like many dances, it’s highly ritualised with a series of steps and rules governing the way dancers move and behave on the dance floor.

Applying Kotter part 3: what I did wrong

This entry is a follow-up on on why I apply Kotter to my own situation and what I did right.

Step 1: Acting with urgency

Gee was I busy in the beginning! I wanted to realise my change as quick as possible.

The flipside of empowerment

Most of the interventions I design and lead are about gathering people in a meeting room for a specific purpose. When participants enter the room they all have their ideas and expectations about the meeting to come. And I often encounter cynicism.

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